Al Capone Al Capone is a Brooklyn New Yorker who was born on January 17,1899. Capone grew-up in a rough neighborhood. By the time he reached eleven years old, he was already involved in two gangs. Capone left school at fourteen years old to go to sixth grade. Between his scams, he worked as a clerk at candy stores, a pinboy at bowling alleys, and a bookbindery cutter. Later, he became a member of the notorious five-points gang in Manhattan. Capone once worked as a bouncer at Harvard Inn. Capone gained the nickname scarface because of an incident at Inn wherein he insulted one female patron and was attacked his brother. Capone was left with a scarred face from the attack. Capone met Mara, an Irish girl who Capone called Mae. Mae gave her birth to Albert Francis Capone in December 2004. She then married Capone in December 30th.

Capone was initially arrested on disorderly conduct charges and for the murder of two people. Capone never faced trial for these murders. Yale sent Capone along with John Torris, his mentor from high school, to help him work for his uncle, “Big Jim”, Colisimo. Colisimo was Chicago’s crime boss. Torris was forced to kill his uncle Colisimo after he told Torris not to run a bootleg business. Torris was impressed by Capone’s potential. Soon Capone was helping Torris to manage his bootlegging operation. Capone, who was Torris’s right-hand man, became a partner in the business, which included brothels and gambling houses. Torris was killed by a member of a rival gang and he decided to flee Chicago. Capone rose to prominence as a crime boss. His men trusted him and he became a better businessman. He controlled night clubs, horse tracks and brothels. Reports claimed that he earned $100,000,000 per year. He also owned a Chicago drying and cleaning plant chain. Big Bill Hale Thompson Jr, the mayor of Chicago, said Capone was bad for politics and ran him out. Capone was looking for a new home and found that not many people like him in other states. He finally purchased a house on 93 Palm Island, Florida in 1928. Capone was always unsuccessful in his attempts to find a new home. He knew exactly when it would happen because he had Chicago spy’s that looked like paperboys and policemen. When he believed they are too powerful, he was able to identify the murders of his adversaries. Capone’s method of killing his enemies was to rent an apartment in the opposite direction. When they arrived outside, Capone would shoot them and kill them. The police didn’t catch Capone for the murders as he always had an alibi. Capone’s most infamous killings happened on the day of February 4, 1929. Two of the outfits were sent to Clark street building by George Moran (also known under the North Side Gang as bugs of North Side Gang). They arrived dressed in police uniforms and entered the building. The North Side Gang assumed it was a police operation so they brought down two shot guns and two machines guns. All of the victims died. Capone had already killed all these men and more. Although Capone wasn’t charged with most of his crimes, he was arrested in 1926 for the murders of three men. However, there wasn’t enough evidence to prove that he was involved in the killings. In 1929, Capone was arrested for possessing weapons. Capone was ranked number one on Chicago’s worst twenty-eight criminals list by 1930. People believed that Capone still treated people fairly. Although he was violently temperate, he was still loyal and an able man to help the poor. Capone, a mobster and founder of the first soup kitchen following 1929’s stock-market crash, required businesses and individuals to donate goods to the poor.

In the 1920’s, illegal gambling money wasn’t taxable. Judge Sullivan ruled in 1927 that illegal profits are taxable. Because Capone had not filed income tax returns, the IRS wanted him to be charged with income tax evasion. To avoid income tax, Capone used frontmen to pretend to be the owner of the businesses. Frank Wilson, an IRS intelligence man who investigated Capone’s situation, found a cash receipt book that showed Capone’s profits on a gambling establishment and also recorded his income.

Capon’s tax counsel Lawrence P. Mattingly sent the government a letter that stated Capone had received income from business owners. Elmer Ire assembled a case against Capone based on the information he got from Mattingly and Wilson.

Capone was indicted on charges of income tax fraud in 1931. The crime involved failing to file returns and failing to pay income tax during the period 1925 to 1929.

Capone was charged with conspiracy to violate prohibition laws 1922-1931. James H. Wilkerson was the judge and Capone refused to negotiate. Capone tried and bribe to the jury, but the judge changed it right before trial. Capone was sentenced totalling eleven years in federal jail. Capone was also penalized $50,000 for contempt and ordered to pay the $ 7,692 charges. Capone was arrested in Atlanta and sent to federal prison. He took control once inside and received special treatment. After officials discovered that Capone was connected, they moved him to Alcatraz Bay in San Francisco. There were no Capone gang members there. Capone tried unsuccessfully to gain influence and friends. Capone was a model prisoner and tried to escape early because of his good behavior. Capone developed syphilitic depression while incarcerated in Alcatraz. Capone spent his remaining time in the sick room. Capone was released on January 6, 1939 from Alcatraz. He was sent to Terminal Island as a punishment for not having filed an income tax return.

Capone owed $37.617.51 in court costs as of November 16, 1939. Capone was released and returned to Florida, where he stayed at 93 Palms Island. Capone tried to relax and get well. Capone’s mind and body had become severely ill and he was unable to lead his “Outfits” gang. Capone was unconscious after an apoplectic attack in January 1947. Capone began to wake up and showed signs of improvement. However, on January 24, 1947, he succumbed to pneumonia. Capone, his brother Frank, and Gabriele were the first to be buried by Mount Olivet Cemetery in Chicago. Later, Capone’s body was moved to Mount Carmel Cemetery on March 5, 1950.


  • kileybaxter

    I am a 34-year-old educational blogger and student. I enjoy writing about education and sharing my insights and experiences with others. I hope to use this blog as a way to share my knowledge and help others learn more about the subjects that interest me.

Al Capone: The Biography Of One Of America’s Most Wanted Gangster In The Prohibition Era


I am a 34-year-old educational blogger and student. I enjoy writing about education and sharing my insights and experiences with others. I hope to use this blog as a way to share my knowledge and help others learn more about the subjects that interest me.

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